How It All Started

Hi! My name is Kevin Mulligan, and I am founder of Ryan the Tutor. I created this program with a dream of giving students a tool to learn more effectively than ever before. AI is an amazing technology, and although it is still evolving, we should not be afraid to embrace it for the good it can do.

As a tutor myself for seven years, I love leading students to their "aha!" moments. Once a student understands the fundamental concept, they can tackle any problem that comes their way.

Ryan the Tutor was born from the idea of creating a personalized, interactive tutor powered by advanced algorithms, providing immediate and tailored help to every student.

My mission is to make learning more efficient, accessible, and, most importantly, engaging. With Ryan the Tutor, students can get the support they need, whenever they need it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Coming Next

We’re constantly improving and adding new features. In the coming months we are going to be adding more badges to earn, completing everything in a high school curriculum. We are then going to be launching a mobile app and move towards collaboration with schools!